Its Me

Foto saya
full time mom (at least for present).. with great handsome hubby n 2 cute boys.. yeay, I love them so much :-*)

Selasa, November 27, 2012

Minggu, Februari 19, 2012

pas setahun :)

hmm.. ternyata sudah setahun nenk dezthree ga update ni blog..
kemana aja yaa.. hihi.. yg jelas have no idea to fulfill the article to this blog. klu yg ikutan baca ni blog ringan banget, saking ringannya popcorn aja kalah ringan, hehe..
just want to telling the story about my second boy's bday. Yup, adek Hafy ultah yang kedua kemarin.
seperti de javu, ga ada special party, cuma jalan2 n makan2 sekeluarga. Jalan2 nya juga ga jauh2. just arround 60km from our residential.
Sederhana tapi menyenangkan :) .. yang ultahnya sndiri juga belum tahu apa what the meaning of birthday, hihi.. he just knew that his mom, dad n brother are love & pleasant to him (perhaps).
Ultah adek yg kedua ini kami sekeluarga main ke alam sutera tng.
o ya, di usianya yg kedua ini adek sudah bisa bicara banyak n ngobrol yang nyambung, banyak bertanya n bisa menyanyi terutama nyanyi : "Bismillah" (lagu religi anak2) & "InsyaAllah" (maher zein). dan yang ga ketinggalan jogetnya makin lancar, hehe.. dari umur bulanan adek memang hoby berjoget (mungkin krna waktu hamil adek mamanya suka nyanyi n joget buat ngehibur abang ahza, hehe..)

Jumat, Juni 03, 2011

Play Group.. is it necessary?

Ahza, my first son.. now 3 years old forwards...
Me and my hubby having plan to send him to Play Group nearest by our residential next three months. Hopefully he could play with others kids and could be more self confidence and independent.

Previously I have a question to my self.. is it necessary to send my kid to Play Group (PG), meanwhile he could be play every time in our house with the same toys that provided in the PG? In the morning and the evening Ahza playing with his mate constantly. there's about 5 kids which is the same age with him.
but when i saw he growth as an active boys.. I think I have to send him to PG so that he could be more exploration his energy and his talent.

About My Sons

over a years ago i desire to writting this site but its always have the same reason : have no time to fulfill my idea into (what a cliches reason right?!, hehe... )

Nowadays i have attempt to tell the story about my beloved kids.. my princes.. Ahza n Hafy

My first prince ... named : Ahza A Adrymansyah, usually we call him as abang Ahza
He's born on Serang, 26 August 2008... he come into the world through sectio caesarea, its caused by umbilical cord entangled around his neck.
Since he came to my life.. i felt my life is so complete as a woman.. yes.. since now i have a new predicate; as a mother.. a new mother exactly.
Baby Ahza so cute n make me happy.. his crying, his laughing, his action, every time with him is a wonderful time for me and my hubby..
now, he is 2 years 9 month.. 3 month towards to his 3 years. He is an active boys, so "fussy" and always want to know everything that make him curious.. hmm, smart boy ... as a toddler his action often make me laugh and "surprise".. I saw that his knowledge increasing everyday Alhamdulillah..

My second prince .. named :Hafy S Adrimansyah.. we usually call him as adek Hafy..
Hafy was born on Serang, the same place with his brother and the same way too, he came to this world through by sectio caesarea with the same cause with his brother.. so.. I have twice give birth with surgery.. i wish i could give birth with normal way someday (if medically possible, of course) ..

Just like his brother, baby Hafy is so cute, now he is 1 year 3 months.. being able to walk, have a 7 teeth, he likes to ride down stairs and began to say a few words that can be understood..
Baby Hafy really likes music, when we start playing music he immediately smiled and dancing with a funny style .

Both of them made my life so meaningful.. their always cheer me up and make me happy..
I love them so much.. and their father also (ehm).. may Allah always give us good faith, good health, happiness and good welfare... amiin..

Sabtu, Februari 19, 2011

Hafy's Birthday

On Friday, 18th February 2011. Adek Hafy even a year old ... HAPPY birthday dek .. hopefully staying healthy, so pious child, added clever, handsome added ..
anyway all the best for Hafy deh ;) .. pray also ma n pa hafy always healthy n always given the "ability" to raise n give the best to Adek n Abang. Amiin ..

For dek Hafy birthday celebration, we had to eat small meals as a family aja .. eventually elected to eat chocolate cake in "Dapoer Coklat" Alam Sutera Serpong .. (mom n abang are chocolate lovers .. hehe)
after there we stopped briefly to the Living World which is happened to be across the Dapoer Coklat. initially only wanted to ride in prayer but finally proceed with window shopping .. children play in the arena legoo, directly on explor pleased to legoo.

Finished from there, ba'da maghrib followed by dinner at mang Kabayan (once again, this place is also mama's fav place ... :) ).. alhmdulillah all still spirit and eat away all the dishes .. all,except for a birthday, an anniversary bribed baby food which was brought specially from home .. sorry dek, for a while u can go explor dish Mang Kabayan .. Hopefully next year Adek was able to eat all of a distinguished father, mother n brother eat ... :)

Sabtu, Desember 25, 2010

Jalan jalan

Hardly wait my sons growth up...
setiap kali 'surfing' tempat tempat wisata di inet.. kpingiiin skali main kesana.. but sabar mom, anak2 masi terlalu kecil untk diajak jalan-jalan ke tempat2 wisata itu (bisik hati yang lain)...
but its ok.. nabung n doa biar selalu diberi kesehatan n kemampuan biar pada saat yang tepat kita sekeluarga bisa main ke tempat tempat yang selama ini mama liat di dunia maya ya nak amiin :)

Rabu, Desember 22, 2010

Be Grateful

Honestly ... sometimes when saturated hit, I was desire to back to work like it used to be, have the environment, have a socialite, fun etc. ..
sometime I am 'envy' when I saw my friends who become IRT + career woman ..but on the other hand after retrospect .. become full-time mom its not fun losing, because everytime I have a special moment with my cute children.
Every time can monitor the progress and fixed very close to them. If there is a need to leave the house without them on one half-day stuff, I felt to quickly get back to home for meet and hug them.

essentially is "Thankful" .. grateful for what we received .. because with a sense of gratitude, everything will feel lighter, more beautiful and more fun. God also promised, if we more grateful He will be adding His Grace to us more and more ..

Selasa, Desember 21, 2010

Yang baru..

Setelah sekian lama vakum.. baru sekarang nyempatin diri corat coret my blog (yg masih sangat sederhana ini) lagi :)
oh ya.. Alhamdulillah menginjak tahun ke 4 pernikahan, tepatnya 3,5 tahun. kami di anugrahi lagi satu putra.. yang di beri nama Hafy Shidqi Adrymansyah yang artinya anak Destry dan Yulismansyah yang "lurus" dan dermawan, amiin..

Hafy lahir 10 bulan yang lalu, Feb 18, 2010... Sehat2 terus ya nak.. cepet gede, tambah pinter, tambah ganting n nggemezzin..

Panggilannya adek hafy.. adek suka banget di foto alias sadar kamer, setiap kali mo di foto adek pasti langsung gaya.. nih dia foto-fotonya :)